Anyone is welcomed to join the Music Ministry and no previous musical experience is needed.
Rehearsals are structured to invite both the musically inclined and those that have a desire to learn. Each practice is similar to what you would experience in a normal music class. We discuss areas like breathing, scales, diction, intonation, and pitch. The English Choir meets every Wednesday at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Rehearsals end at 8:30pm. Spanish Choir meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary. Rehearsals end at 8:15.
Spanish Choir: Sunday, 1pm Mass
-Please click on "Ministerio Hispano" for more info or call the Parish Office at 210-497-6101.
New Music For Mass Parts
Padre Pio Family -
I received a couple of requests from parishioners to provide a link to the Gloria from the new Mass of Restoration to help those of you who want to learn and sing them to more fully participate in the mass. The link below takes you to the YouTube version of the Gloria, written by Josh Blakesley and Leland G. McCullough, IV. Additional parts for the Mass of Restoration can also be found on YouTube or can be purchased from
The Mass of Restoration is copyrighted in 2017, by Oregon Catholic Press (OCP), by Josh Blakesley and Leland G. McCullough, IV. The Mass parts in the link are reprinted/streamed with permission under OneLicense #A-741715. All Rights Reserved.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Vince Carr
Director of Music Ministry