Tenemos sesiones de enriquecimiento matrimonial todos los meses, en Sabado. El proposito de dichas sesiones es fortalecer a los matrimonios. Todas las parejas casadas estan invitadas a participar.
Para mayor informacion, favor de contactar a Andres Chavez al telefono : 210-776-9218
The purpose of the LOVESTRONG Marriage Ministry is simply to strengthen the love and relationships between married men and women in our Parish. Strong marriages make strong families and strong families are the irreplaceable cornerstones of a vibrant and dynamic Catholic community.
The LOVESTRONG Marriage Retreat is a Friday evening to Sunday afternoon weekend hosted by Catholic layperson married couples. The retreat is packed with special presentations, exercises, music, and activities designed to celebrate and reinforce each couple’s commitment to each other and a deepening of their Christ-centered bond.
Meetings on scheduled Saturdays at 6:30 pm.