October 2, 2022 is our first Youth Mass (10:30 am). Please encourage your teens to participate in serving in the banquet of the Lord.
High School will make up the choir for our 10:30 am mass. Please have your high school teen arrive by 9:45 am.
We are requesting that middle school sign up to serve mass in the following capacities:
Ushers: we need 4 middle school youth to assist
Greeters: we need 4 middle school youth to help greet the people entering the church and at the end of mass to pass out the bulletins.
Gift bearers: we need 4 middle school youth to bring up the gifts during mass.
Altar Servers: beginning in November (every first Sunday of the month) will need volunteers to serve mass. Only those people that are trained may assist this ministry.
Middles school youth that volunteer must send a request to both Mr. John Payne and Paty Mendoza (paty.mendoza@shrineofpadrepio.com). On the day you serve you must arrive at the church by 10:00 am. This is serious commitment because people will be depending on you to help your church.
Please do not limit your high school or middle school teen to serve only at the Youth Mass. Our community needs our youth to serve at any of the masses here at St. Padre Pio. If you wish to continue to serve, please let Mr. Payne know and he will schedule you to serve.
Parents this is a holy ministry to have our youth serve at mass. Please encourage your teen to serve others. God bless you.