The Mission of the Saint Padre Pio Parish Bereavement Ministry is to provide compassionate support to grieving families who have recently lost a loved one. We engage in this corporal work of mercy by arranging the funeral Mass, assisting family members with Mass selections, supporting a pre-Mass Rosary and Rite of Committal (if requested), providing Mass program guides, music, soloist, and livestreaming (if requested), providing a reception at the Shrine of Saint Padre Pio (if requested), and grief packets with materials that assist with the grieving process. The Bereavement ministry consists of two teams: a liturgical team, and a reception team.
Liturgy Team:
Upon notifications by the St. Padre Pio office staff, a member of the liturgy team will contact the family to begin the preparations for the Mass of Resurrection (Funeral Mass). They will set up a meeting time with the family to meet at the Shrine of Saint Padre Pio and plan the details for the Mass. We use the workbook Through Death to Life by Msgr. Joseph M. Champlin that provides families with options to personalize the readings. We also provide a list of musical selections produced by the Saint Padre Pio Music Ministry to aid in music selections. The liturgy team acts as the point of contact for families and coordinates with other members of the Church staff and Parish community in providing holistic funeral support.
Reception Team:
If the family desires, a reception can be held after the funeral ceremony at St. Padre Pio. A reception provides the decedent’s family and friends, who may not have seen each other in many years, an opportunity to enjoy GREAT food in a relaxed, memory-exchanging atmosphere. Our Reception Team is made up of four sub teams. These fine folks coordinate with other parish members to help with making or baking or buying something to provide the family an opportunity to remember and celebrate their loved one.
To begin this process, please contact the Parish Office at 210-497-6101.