Baptism is a sign of death and life. We die to sins, as the person is immersed in water and comes to new life in the rising out of the water. The person is transformed into a new life and cleansed of sins, Original Sin.
The priest pours water three times over the person’s head while the act of the words, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, invokes the power of the Holy Spirit. Our sins become buried, washed away as we die with Jesus and are filled with God’s divine grace and life.
The newly baptized is anointed with sacred Chrism oil. Anointed to be Priest, Prophet, and King. Priest is not the ordained priesthood, but we share in the worship, adoration of God and life of the Church. The baptized becomes a prophet. The person set apart to proclaim the Word of God and be missionary for God. King: we are sharers in the Kingdom of God, heirs to the kingdom, members of His Mystical Body, and children of the King.
Following the anointing, we place on the person a white garment and given a candle. This white garment is a sign of God’s love enfolding and embracing us onto Himself, unstained by sin. The candle represents the light of Christ. We are to be the light of Christ in this fractured world. This our call to holiness.
Do you want the benefits of the heavenly kingdom? Baptism is the door. To obtain more information on infant or adult baptisms. into a new life and cleansed of sins, Original Sin, contact our parish office for further assistance 210-497-6101.
Debe completar y enviar el registro parroquial Tanto los padres como los padrinos necesitan una clase pre-bautismal. Comuníquese con la oficina parroquial al 210-497-6101 para registrarse en la clase. Se debe presentar una copia del certificado de nacimiento emitido por el estado del niño. Los padrinos deben haber recibido todos los sacramentos y tener una carta de buena reputación de su parroquia.
Los bautismos se programarán después de que se hayan presentado todas las verificaciones e información necesarias. Los bautismos se realizan después de la misa de las 8:30 a. m. en inglés o después de la 1:00 p. m. en español.
Para su comodidad, puede enviar cualquier documento por correo electrónico a:
fax al 210-497-2956.
Formulario de registro de bautismo En Linea